Monday, November 21, 2011

We're getting married!! :)

The wedding date is final (finally)!!! 3/3/2012!!!

Here is a sneak preview of our engagement photos. More to come.........We had sooooo much fun taking them. I think there are more pictures of us laughing than anything else :)

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hike up the mountain

Deena, Brian, Davy, and I decided to take advantage of the awesome weather this past Saturday and took a hike up Kennesaw Mountain. It was the first time I had actually been to the top-top. Don't worry, my legs were feeling the pain from the climb the next day. Zumba and hiking are 2 different types of exercises and my Zumba legs were not prepared for what the mountain had in store. It was fun and the view up top was amazing. You could see 30 miles away. You are able to see downtown Atl from the top. Here are a few pics from the trip. Kennesaw Mountain was a battlefield back in the day...that will explain the pic below.

North vs South

Taking a break at the top :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Inspiration of the day

I usually do either a song of the day or verse of the day, but today I am doing a combo :)

I love this song. The words cannot be more true and they really speak to me. I am learning each day to be stronger along with to "Walk by Faith." Click that link for a lil surprise :)

Verse: It is the Lord that goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Long time, no news :)

One of my friends text me the other day and stated that it was time for a blog update :) Here it is, Lizzy :) So what's been going on lately? Football games Friday nights and competitions Saturday mornings.

I forgot that I don't have a life during the months of August, September, October, November. I go into hiding from all social life. Sorry to all of my friends who call and I don't return your call or don't respond to your text, or to those of you who I talk to on a regular basis. I am alive and well I promise :)

I am so excited that cool weather is just around the corner. That means hot chocolate/coffee and roasting marshmellows around the fire :)

Also, my favorite holiday, Halloween, is fast approaching.

Sooooo sad the Braves lost last night.......hopefully next year will be better. Pastornicky needs to hurry up and getting ready for the bigs!!

Stella and Dot has slowed down for me. I am doing my first trunk show since July in a couple of weekends. Girls, check out the new Fall jewelry!! It's amazing!! this point I am just rattling random information off :)

My favorite colors are pink and black :) hahahaha...just kidding.

Oh yeah, I talked with my friend the other day, who is in charge of planning our 10 year class reunion!! REALLY?!?! Has it been 10 yrs?? CRAZY how time flies! I miss all of my girls from back in the day!!

I think that is all I have to update for now......

Until next time,

Pop-poms and Mega-phones,


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Explanation of the previous post

So my friend, Deena (and Davy's sister), is an amazing writer :) She is currently writing a story that is very comparable to Vampire Diaries and The Twilight Saga. She claims she is just doing it for fun, but I think she really has something good going. There are only 4 parts right now because she posts a new "chapter" as she completes it. I put all 4 parts in one blog on my page. You can also click on her name and go to her blog page to keep up with new "chapters" that come out :) Let me know what you think!!

This is a must read if you like "Vampire Diaries" and "Twilight"

Long Live Dead Reckless – Part 1